Lu-mini Luminometer

SKU : 3a5a97b594c4

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SKU 3a5a97b594c4 Kategori :

Maximize your bench space with our compact, lightweight and low-cost luminometer. Introducing the Lu-mini, a robust, single-tube, benchtop luminometer which can be used for a wide variety of assays including, luciferase assays, ATP assays, cell-based assays for drug discovery and many more. We understand that sensitivity, reproducibility and linearity are key features, therefore we’ve combined innovative software with a broad dynamic range and large storage capacity, all within a compact instrument.


  • Accepts 10 -15mm round vials & 10mm square cuvettes
  • Fast reading time with optional integration phase
  • Versatile protocol selection including single/dual point, peak detect and kinetic data collection
  • Storage capacity for up to 1000 test results
  • USB connectivity for sample/results data transfer and configuration via included PC app
  • Intuitive touchscreen user interface



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1145N26V301001Lu-mini Luminometer

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