Melting Point System

SKU : 590d70975a50

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 590d70975a50 Kategori :

The MP30 provides everything you need for the simple, automatic determination of melting point and slip melting point: simultaneous determination of up to 3 samples, statistical analysis, and printable results.

The MP55 provides everything you need for the simple, automatic determination of melting point and slip melting point: simultaneous determination, statistical analysis, and printable results.

The MP70 is the ideal choice for melting point and melting range determinations: simultaneous determination of up to 4 samples, statistical analysis, and printable results. The outstanding temperature-accuracy specifications and the compliance with current standards such as Ph. Eur., USP and others ensure accurate results for melting point and melting range determination up to 350 °C.

Mettler products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Mettler distributor to place orders for Mettler products.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00H40630578100MP30 Melting Point System
21A00H40730578101MP55 Melting Point System
21A00H40830578102MP70 Melting Point System

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