MetaGuard HPLC Guard Column

SKU : 49e80e9c6a63

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SKU 49e80e9c6a63 Kategori :

MetaGuard columns are single-use, disposable columns that are endfitted to any manufacturer’s analytical column. It is very convenient because it can be easily connected directly to the ring and has excellent column protection. other manufacturer’s complex. The MetaGuard construction offers significant advantages over direct connect guard columns, which are difficult to operate and easy to lose. vinegar. The MetaGuard can be tightened by hand only, the connection has very low dead volume, and sample diffusion is minimized. is reduced, maximizing system efficiency. No leaks even at 5000 psi. MetaGuard can It does not affect the shape of the ring. The compact design of MetaGuard eliminates space-challenging column thermostats. The analysis example used is also perfectly analysable.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas No Mfr No Description
19A00G905 A0520MG MetaGuard 4.6mm MetaSil AQ 3u C18

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