Microscope Slide-Wells

SKU : 0dbf2ac126d3

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SKU 0dbf2ac126d3 Kategori :

Disposable Liquid-Holding Wells

Convenient Pre-cut, twin adhesive well stickers (1cm diameter) firmly adhere to microscope slides. Examine specimens with or without cover slips. Available in depths of 0.25mm and 0.50mm.

Multiple Applications Examine or count tissue culture cells, yeast, bacteria and other microorganisms. Piggy-back with Microscope Slide-Grids to facilitate counting and sizing.

Versatile – Compatible with different styles of microscopes (conventional, inverted or dissecting).

Chemically Inert – Made of polyester with an acrylic adhesive. Microscope Slide-Wells are inert and stable under most laboratory conditions.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1207X5170366-12Disposable Liquid-Holding Slide Wells, 0.25mm thick
1207X5270366-13Disposable Liquid-Holding Slide Wells, 0.50mm thick

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