Mini Hygro-Thermometer Monitor

SKU : ba2e78551606

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SKU ba2e78551606 Kategori :

The RHM16 is a Miniature Hygro-Thermometer ideal for monitoring Temperature and Humidity conditions in enclosed or open space environments. It helps gauge proper heat and moisture levels and it also records high and low extremes during the day. Simultaneous display of Temperature and Humidity conditions in enclosed or open space environments. It helps gauge proper heat and moisture levels and it also records high and low extremes during the day. Featuring a simultaneous display of Temperature and Humidity. Complete with built-in tilt stand and LR44 battery.


  • Measuring ranges:
  • Temperature: -10 to 60°C
  • Humidity: 10% to 99% RH
  • Simultaneous display of Temperature and Humidity
  • Built-in memory stores
  • Min/Max readings
  • Low battery indication
  • Basic accuracy: ±5%RH, ±1°C
  • Dimensions: 51 x 38 x 16mm Weight: 24g


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1140C86RHM16Compact Indoor Meter for Monitoring Temperature and Humidity Measures in °C only

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