MultiGene™ Optimax Thermal Cycler with PC viewer option, 230V

SKU : 5614068e33b8

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 5614068e33b8 Kategori :


  • 3-year warranty
  • 5°C/3.5°C per second maximum heating/cooling rate
  • 200 complete program memory
  • 30°C to 99°C (temperature range of 6-segment blocks can be set independently)
  • New display design
  • No condensation after overnight cooling at 4°C with new lid design
  • View the actual temperature profiles in real time with new PC viewer when connected to a Windows based PC using a USB interface
  • TM Calculator

The MultiGene™ OptiMax employs a new protocol optimization process improving on older gradient features. The OptiMax utilizes FlexTemp™ technology that effectively separates the 96 well plate into 6 – (4 x 4) temperature regions that allow you to pick the temperatures you want to test against. These regions are easily identified by the blue and black squares visible on the microplate platen, Instead of having the thermal cycler choose temperatures for you, you can choose any temperatures you want within a 24°C range.

The MultiGene™ OptiMax has a heating rate of 5°C /sec and a cooling rate of 3.5°C/sec. We have minimized overshooting and undershooting so that your reactions only see the temperatures they are supposed to see. (See figure) This also leads to faster runs time.

PC Viewer Option
New is the PC Viewer Option. By downloading our software from our website and attaching a USB cable to your Windows PC to can view the temperature profiles real time as they are occurring to monitor your system.

Intuitive User Interface
The MultiGene™ OptiMax utilizes an intuitive user interface. This user interface is friendly to the laboratory environment and consistent with what our customers previously enjoyed in our earlier models. It can be used with lab gloves even if wet. We have improved the ramping speed and eliminated overshooting and undershooting which contributes to longer run times.

Fully Adjustable Heated Lid
The OptiMax’s heated lid is fully adjustable to provide optimum pressure for use with a broad range of tubes and microplates. For optimum performance, the lid can also be programmed to hold different temperatures between 60° to 65°C and 100° to 115°C. The OptiMax lid prevents condensation and slides away and back from the user to provide full access to samples and reduce the risk of coming in contact with a hot surface.


Sample Capacity1 x 96 well plate, 12 8 x 0.2mL strip tubes, 96 x 0.2mL tubes
Programmable Temperature Range4°C to 99.9°C
Temperature ControlCalculated or block
Temperature Accuracy/Uniformity±0.5°C/±0.5°C
Heating/cooling methodPeltier
Gradient temperature range30°C to 99°C. Temperature of 6-segment blocks can be set independently.
Maximum Temperature difference between 6-segment temperature blocks24°C
6-segment Temperature blocks6 temperature blocks in 4 x 4 well format
Programmable lid temperature60° to 65°C, 100° to 115°C
Program memory200 complete programs
Temp. increments/decrementsYes
Time increments/decrementsYes
User program folders50 sets
Password protected programsYes
CommunicationUSB and RS232 ports
Dimensions (W x D x H)24 x 42 x 25 cm
Weight9 kg
Electrical240V or 120V, 50/60 Hz


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1158B81TC9610-230MultiGene™ Optimax Thermal Cycler with PC viewer option, 230V

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