Nitrite Low Range Portable Photometer

SKU : e80987fa1b85

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The HI96707 Nitrite Low Range Photometer combines accuracy and ease of use in an ergonomic, portable design. Using the HI93707-0 ready-made reagents a user can accurately determine the concentration of nitrite in a variety of water samples within a 0.000 to 0.600 mg/L (ppm) range. The HI96707 offers many advanced features including the exclusive CAL Check™ function used for performance verification and calibration of the meter.

  • CAL Check™ Validation and Calibration option
  • Built-in timer for appropriate reaction interval
  • Ready-made reagents ordered separately

*Products classified as Dangerous Goods can only be shipped via ground.

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SKU e80987fa1b85 Kategori :

The HI96707 portable photometer is for the measurement of nitrite in a wide variety of water samples. Hanna’s portable photometers feature an advanced optical system; the combination of a special tungsten lamp, a narrow band interference filter, and silicon photodetector ensure accurate photometric readings every time. The Hanna exclusive CAL Check™ feature utilizes ready-made, NIST traceable standards to verify both meter validation and calibration. The exclusive cuvette locking system ensures that the cuvette is inserted into the measurement cell in the same position every time to maintain a consistent path length.

Features at-a-glance

CAL Check™ – Allows for performance verification and calibration of the meter using a CAL Check NIST traceable secondary standard.

GLP – Records the date of the last user calibration performed.

Built in timer – Ensures the appropriate reaction time is used for the chemical reaction. At the end of the timer the meter will automatically take the reading. This feature ensures consistency across multiple users.

Indexing indent on meter – The meter has an indent that allows for a lock and key fit with the cuvette cap. This ensures that the cuvette is indexed consistently (same position) in order to maintain the same path length for accurate results.

Cooling Lamp Indicator – It is necessary to maintain a consistent temperature of the optical components in order to maintain a narrow wavelength band of light. This photometer has a cooling lamp indicator that is displayed for a short period of time before each measurement in order to allow the components to cool and obtain the highest accuracy possible.

Error messages – Messages on display alerting to problems including no cap, over range and under range readings, and light source error.

Auto-shut off – Automatic shut off after 10 minutes of non-use when the meter is in measurement mode. Prevents wastage of batteries in the event the meter is accidentally not turned off.

Battery status indicator

The instrument has a battery level indicator to display remaining life as follows:

  • 3 lines for 100 % capacity
  • 2 lines for 66 % capacity
  • 1 line for 33 % capacity
  • Battery icon blinks when the capacity is less than 10 %.

Units of measure – Appropriate unit of measure is displayed along with reading.


Nitrites can be harmful to aquatic organisms even in low concentrations and for this reason, they are closely monitored in aquaculture facilities. In cooling towers, however, an adequate amount of nitrites is necessary to prevent corrosion. In high concentrations, they can be harmful to the environment and to humans. They are, therefore, normally monitored to verify the quality of water for domestic use, as well as lakes and ponds.

Nitrites are an intermediate product in the nitrogen cycle and are produced by ammonia oxidation with water, or even originate in industrial waste directly. They must not be present in drinking water.

The HI96707 uses an adaptation of the EPA approved Diazotization method 354.1 to measure nitrite concentrations in the 0.000 to 0.600 mg/L (ppm) range. When the reagent is added to samples containing nitrite, the sample will turn a pink tint; the greater the concentration, the deeper the color. The associated color change is then colorimetrically analyzed according to the Beer-Lambert Law. This principle states that light is absorbed by a complimentary color, and the emitted radiation is dependent upon concentration. For low levels of nitrite, a narrow band interference filter at 525 nm (green) allows only green light to be detected by the silicon photodetector and omits all other visible light emitted from the tungsten lamp. As the change in color of the reacted sample increases, absorbance of the specific wavelength of light also increases, while transmittance decreases.


The HI96707 is available as a kit (HI96707C) which includes:

  • Portable Photometer
  • Sample cuvettes (2)
  • Caps (2)
  • CAL Check™ standards with certificate
  • Cuvette cleaning cloth
  • Scissors
  • Rugged carrying case
  • Carrying case has thermoformed insert for meter and accessories

*Reagents ordered separately


CAL Check™ standards with certificate

The HI96707-11 CAL Check™ standards are used for calibration and performance verification of photometers with the CAL Check™ function.

Supplied with Certificate of Analysis

  • Lot number
  • Expiration date
  • Standard value @ 25 °C
  • Reference meter NIST traceable

Provided storage containers

  • Light tight
  • Protects from accidental breakage





Specification NameDetail
Nitrite, LR Range0.000 to 0.600 mg/L
Nitrite, LR Resolution0.001 mg/L
Nitrite, LR Accuracy±0.020 mg/L ±4% of reading
Nitrite, LR Methodadaptation of the EPA approved Diazotization method 354.1
Light Sourcetungsten lamp
Light Detectorsilicon photocell
Power Supply9V battery
Auto-offafter ten minutes of non-use in measurement mode; after one hour of non-use in calibration mode; with last reading reminder
Environment0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% non-condensing
Dimensions192 x 104 x 69 mm (7.6 x 4.1 x 2.7”)
Weight320g (11.3 oz.)
Warranty 2 years

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