SKU : 39b7c440906f

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SKU 39b7c440906f Kategori :

NUCLEOSIL® is a family of totally porous spherical silicas with a very pure and uniform SiO2 structure

  • Wide acceptance as routine packings for very different fields of chromatography
  • One of the first spherical silicas used in HPLC
  • Developed in the early seventies, it became a world-renowned HPLC packing
  • Still found in many analytical and preparative application
  • An absolutely reliable choice in HPLC
  • The largest variety of modified HPLC silicas available on the market


Unmodified silica phases for HPLC



  • Spherical silica (SiOH)
  • pH stability 2–8
  • Separation mechanism based on polar interactions
  • Maximum working pressure for EC columns 400 bar

For normal phase applications.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1152Y63720093.46HPLC column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL 50-5, length: 250 mm, ID: 4.6mm, USP: L3, 1 Column
1152Y71720099.46HPLC column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL 100-5, length: 250 mm, ID: 4.6mm, USP: L3, 1 Column
1152Z80721167.30HPLC guard column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL 50-5, length: 4 mm, ID: 3mm, USP: L3, 3 guard column
1152Z97721518.30HPLC guard column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL 100-5, length: 4 mm, ID: 3mm, USP: L3, 3 guard column

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