pH/EC/TDS Multiparameter Probe with CAL Check

SKU : 291cd8ebf432

Measure pH, conductivity (EC), and TDS (ppm) with the HI1285-6 multiparameter probe. Perfect for measurements in greenhouses, water treatment, and boilers and cooling towers with a polypropylene body, built in temperature sensor, and pre-amplified pH electrode. The HI1285-6 is designed for use with HI9813-6 Portable pH/EC/TDS/Temperature Meter with CAL Check™.

  • 3 in 1 probe with pH, conductivity (EC), TDS (ppm), & temperature sensors.
  • Pre-amplified for more accurate readings.
  • Great for hydroponics, aquariums, pools, & ponds.

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Hanna Instruments offers a wide variety of electrodes that are designed for many different applications. The sensing material, body material, and connection type used are just some of the design considerations.


Pre-Amplified Multiparameter pH Probe

The pH electrode circuit has a built-in amplifier that serves to reduce the effects of electrical noise on the high impedance-pH measurement. Electrical noise can come from motors and pumps that are common in greenhouses. The single reference junction design of the pH electrode has a cloth junction that allows ion movement between the inner gel electrolyte and the sample being measured. The advantage of the cloth junction is that it can be extracted from the probe, exposing a fresh surface when readings become drifty or erratic. These features make this probe ideal for use in fertilizer solutions.

Amperometric EC/TDS Sensor

EC/TDS readings are performed by a two-pin amperometric sensor. An alternating voltage is applied to the sensor and the amount of current that passes between the two stainless steel pins determines the amount of dissolved ionic solids present.

Built-In Temperature Sensor

pH and EC/TDS readings must be temperature compensated in order to obtain accurate results. The built-in temperature sensor of the HI1285-6 provides a speedy temperature reading which is then used to adjust the pH and EC/TDS results accordingly.

Polypropylene Body

The polypropylene body of the HI1285-6 multiparameter pH probe houses all three sensors within a sturdy, single body design. This body material is suitable for a wide range of applications and excels in measurements with portable meters due to its durability. The fins around the spherical glass pH bulb minimizes breakage due to accidental bumping or dropping of the electrode. The polypropylene plastic is a high-quality plastic that is chemically resistant to many aggressive chemicals.

DIN Connector with CAL Check

The HI1285-6 uses a DIN connector. This type of connector is generally proprietary to the meters they are supplied with and may not be interchangeable. The connection of the HI1285-6 enables the CAL Check function on the HI9813-6 portable multiparameter meter.




Specification NameDetail
Descriptionpre-amplified pH and EC probe
Referencesingle, Ag/AgCl
Junction / Flow Ratecloth
Max Pressure0.1 bar
RangepH: 0 to 13 / EC; T: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) – LT
Tip / Shapespheric (dia: 8.0 mm)
Temperature SensorYes
Body Materialpolypropylene
Cable7-pole; 1 m (3.3’)
Recommended Usegreenhouses, hydroponics, environmental monitoring, water treatment, boilers, cooling towers
ConnectionDIN with CAL Check
Special Note*To be used with HI9813-6 and HI9810-6

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