PL Aquagel-OH 20 Column

SKU : c6a21b038162

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SKU c6a21b038162 Kategori :

PL aquagel-OH columns offer efficient and reliable aqueous GPC/SEC separation of water-soluble polymers and large molecules, such as PEG, polysorbate, starch, dextran, and acrylamide. PL aquagel-OH columns meet USP L25, tolerate high buffer concentrations, pH 2 to 10, temperatures up to 90 °C, and organic solvents (up to 50% methanol). Rapid and predictable scale-up of analytical SEC to milligram and gram quantities is easy with both analytical- and preparative-scale PL aquagel-OH columns. The analytical grade 8 µm media in PL aquagel-OH preparative columns provides higher separation speed and resolution, enabling precise cuts with high recovery and purity.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas No Mfr No Description
1137M74 PL1249-6120 PL aquagel-OH 20 8um 300 x 25 mm

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