PL-SCX Column for Prep to Process

SKU : 13ce3d421b59

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SKU 13ce3d421b59 Kategori :

PL-SCX strong cation-exchange materials are extremely hydrophilic and are designed for purification of biomolecules. The materials are totally polymeric and are chemically and thermally stable over a full range of HPLC conditions. The strong cation-exchange functionalities, covalently linked to a chemically stable polymer, facilitate cation-exchange purifications over a wider pH range. This stability can be exploited for column sanitation and clean-up, and also enables the use of denaturing conditions and stabilizing/solubilizing agents for the purification of target compounds, as encountered in the purification of synthetic oligonucleotides with self-complementary sequences.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1137P82PL1745-3103PL-SCX 4000A 10uM 150X50MM

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