Plastic Tweezer Tips

SKU : 1dec6aa9192a

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SKU 1dec6aa9192a Kategori :

Kit of 2 Carbon Fiber tips and 3 screws for type 3CF tweezers is suitable to applications which require holding a small component firmly.

The Carbon Fiber reinforced ESD Plastic provides the tweezers with ESD and non-scratching properties.

  • Tip/Head description: straight, fine, pointed


Tip/Blade materialHandle material / Full body coatingOAL (inch)Width (inch)Height (inch)A (tip thickness) (inch)B (tip width) (inch)Cutting EdgesCutting Capacity AGWESD safe
Plastic reinforced with carbon fiber1.5750.3150.1380.0280.028yes


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00Q340A3CFESD Plastic Tips, Style 3, Carbon fiber tips for 3CFR.SA, pointed, 1.6”

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