PosiTector® RTR Series Digital Spring Micrometers

SKU : 0d1411388d3e

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SKU 0d1411388d3e Kategori :

PosiTector RTR Series – Digital spring micrometers measure and record surface profile parameters using Testex Press-O-Film™ replica tape. *Enhanced one-handed menu navigation *Automatically subtracts the 50.8 μm (2 mil) incompressible film from all readings *Minimizes inspector workload by reducing the number of replicas needed to ensure accuracy. *Two (2) year warranty on body AND probe *Produces a more accurate peak-to-valley height measurement. *Certificate of Calibration (Long Form) showing traceability to PTB included *Conforms to national and international standards including ISO 8503-5, ASTM D4417 Method C, NACE RP0287 and SSPC-PA17.


PosiTector RTRH1H3P1P3
Included PosiTector BodyStandardAdvancedStandardAdvanced
Included PosiTector ProbePRBRTRHPRBRTRP
Measure Peak Height (HL)All models
Measure Peak Density (Pd)  
Generate 2D/3D images   with Advanced body
Save SDF Surface Data Files   with Advanced body
Peak Height (HL)
Measurement Range
20 to 115 μm (0.8 to 4.5 mils)
Peak Height (HL) Accuracy+ 5 μm (+ 0.2 mils)
Peak Height (HL) Resolution+ 1 μm (+ 0.2 mils)
Anvil DiameterØ6.3 mm (Ø0.25 inch)
Anvil Pressure110 gram-force (1.1 Newtons)


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1173C79RTRH1-EPosiTector RTR Series Digital Spring Micrometer, Standard
1173C80RTRH3-EPosiTector RTR Series Digital Spring Micrometer, Advanced

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