ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly

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The YSI ProDSS ODO/CT probe is the first expansion of the ProDSS system. The ODO/CT probe and cable assembly features integral (i.e. built-in) optical dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature sensors and is available in lengths up to 100 meters. It’s perfect for measuring DO in the following applications – estuary, wetland, coastal, aquaculture, or any application requiring accurate, real-time salinity-compensated DO measurements.

The ODO/CT has all the advantages of optical dissolved oxygen technology – higher accuracy, less maintenance, no stirring required for accurate measurements, holds calibration longer than membrane covered sensors and is not susceptible to interferences from other gases.

Instrument setup is quick and easy with the integral sensors, which eliminates the need to install sensors before use. The digital technology of the ProDSS allows the handheld to automatically recognize connected sensors, so there is no need to tell the instrument what is connected.

The ProDIGITAL ODO/CT probe and cable assembly features include:

  • Integral (i.e. built-in) optical DO, conductivity, and temperature sensors that are auto-recognized by the ProDSS handheld, reducing instrument set-up time
  • Automatically compensates DO mg/L measurements for salinity; no need to enter salinity compensation values
  • Rugged Optical DO sensor cap with a 2-year warranty is pre-installed on new assemblies
  • Fits in a 1 inch well
  • Cable lengths up to 100 meters



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1150P71627150-1ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 1m
1150P72627150-4ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 4m
1150P73627150-10ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 10m
1150P74627150-20ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 20m
1150P75627150-30ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 30m
1150P76627150-50ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 50m
1150P77627150-100ProDIGITAL ODO/CT Cable Assembly, 100m

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