PYREX® Friedrichs Condensers, Drip Tip, with 24/40 Standard Taper Outer and Inner Joints

SKU : aa57c53efa9c

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SKU aa57c53efa9c Kategori :

This PYREX® Friedrichs type condenser affords very efficient operation. The helical inner tube fits closely within the jacket. The vapor tube is sealed to the jacket at an angle of 75° and has an outer 24/40 Standard Taper joint.

Condenser Style:Friedrichs
Standard Taper Bottom Joint:24/40
Standard Taper Top Joint:24/40
Jacket O.D. x Length:50×325 mm (approx)
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
0319X622640-350PYREX® Friedrichs Condensers, Drip Tip, with 24/40 Standard Taper Outer and Inner Joints

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