Quick Calibration Solution (1 Gal)

SKU : 7c2375973866

HI9828-27 is a quick calibration solution for use with Hanna’s family of portable multiparameter meters. It provides for a single point of calibration for pH and conductivity and is ideal for field use.

  • Each bottle marked with lot number and expiration date.
  • Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal to ensure quality

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SKU 7c2375973866 Kategori :


HI9828-27 is a quick calibration solution for use with Hanna’s HI9829 series multiparameter meters. Using the Quick Cal function found in compatible meters allows for a single point calibration of pH and conductivity, making it ideal for fieldwork. Each gallon bottle has the lot number and expiration date stamped on it and has an air tight top with tamper-proof seal to ensure quality. Hanna’s line of calibration solutions have been specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened bottle.



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