Reference Electrodes For ISEs

SKU : db1dc5b0b550

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SKU db1dc5b0b550 Kategori :


Mercury-free, Ag-AgCl type, with sleeve junction. Designed for use with Thermo Orion ion-selective electrodes as indicated in respective descriptions; usable also with glass electrodes for pH measurement. Range 10 to 100°C. Length 140 mm, diameter 13 mm. Diameter of mounting cap 16 mm.

Made entirely of plastic, which resists breakage and withstands acids, bases and organic solvents. Resistant to methanol, ethanol, glacial acetic acid, 25% nitric acid, 10% hydrofluoric acid and 10% sodium hydroxide. Transparent sleeve extends entire length, has filling hole near top. Sleeve cannot be dislodged accidentally. Can be disassembled for cleaning.

Electrodes potential characteristics match those of a saturated KCl calomel electrode. If filled with saturated KCl in place of 4215F20 refill solution, characteristics match those of reference electrode with Ag-AgCl internal element and resulting range is -5 to +100°C. Includes 760 mm lead with pin-type connector and 2 oz. (60 mL ) dispenser bottle of filling solution.


Sleeve type similar to 4215F10 Reference Electrode, but sample junction is made through a second electrolyte in outer jacket chamber to circumvent incompatibility of inner filling solution with ions such as Ag+, Cl, S= and ClO4. Requirements of this reference electrode for particular Thermo Orion specific ion electrodes are indicated in their respective descriptions. Range 10 to 100°C. Potential characteristic, dimensions and plastic properties same as stated for 4215F10.

Can be taken apart for cleaning. Inner chamber, filling solution of which is dyed for visibility, can be drained and refilled without complete disassembly. Outer filling solution, which is 10% KNO3, can be replaced with other electrolytes as sample dictates, e.g. 10% KCl when test samples contain Br or I 0.1% KCl for dilute NO3 solutions; 5% NH4NO3 for dilute BF4 solutions.

Includes 2 oz. (60 mL ) each 4215F70 inner and 4215F75 outer filling solutions, in dispenser bottles. With 760 mm lead and pin-type connector.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
4215F10900100Reference Electrode, Single Junction
4215F20900001Refill Solution, 5 x 60 ml
4215F60900200Reference Electrode, Double Junction
4215F70900002Filling Solution, 900002, For Half Cell ISE And 4215F60 Reference Inner Chamber
4215F75900003Filling Solution, 900003, For Reference Electrode 4215F60, Outer Chamber

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