Reflux Condensers with Removable Hose Connections

SKU : c8c04a053d28

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SKU c8c04a053d28 Kategori :

Reflux condenser similar to CG-1213-A but with detachable hose connections. Connections are made of polypropylene and provide a safe and easy way of connecting and disconnecting flexible tubing to the condenser. Hose connections have an O.D. of 8mm and an I.D. of 4mm. Supplied complete with two GL-14 open top screw caps. See CG-198 and CG-195 for replacement GL fittings.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1146W77CG-1213-A-HC-01Condenser, Reflux, 210mm, 14/20 Joint, GL-14 Screw Cap, Removable Hose Connections, 100mm Jacket Length

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