Refrigerant Leak Detector

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SKU aecab51e9706 Kategori :

Detect Leaks from Air-Conditioning Units and Cooling Systems

The RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector detects leakages from air-conditioning units and cooling systems. It’s easy to use and is ideal for detecting leaks from air-conditioning units and cooling systems that use all standard refrigerants. The multi-colored LED light bar indicates the level of leaking refrigerant detected by the RD300. The built-in, bright LED convenience light located at the sensor tip illuminates dimly lit inspection areas. Complete with leak test bottle, 9V battery, and protective hard carrying case.

  • Detects all standard refrigerants using a heated diode sensor
  • LED light at probe tip (with on/off switch) for working in dimly lit areas
  • LEDs display user-selectable High/Medium/Low levels with sensitivity of 0.25/0.50/0.99 oz per year
  • Audible and Visual alert with mute button
  • Low battery indicator
  • Field replaceable sensor and LED light tip
  • Complete with leak test bottle, 9V battery, and protective hard carrying case



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1196W16RD300Refrigerant Leakage Detector
1140C42RD300-LReplacement Led Tip for RD300
1140C43RD300-SHeated Diode Replacement Tip for RD300

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