Replacement pH Assembly for Ammonia ISE

SKU : b55bcccc80d1

The HI4000-51 is a replacement pH reference assembly for the HI4101 ammonia gas sensing ion selective electrode.

  • Combination pH assembly
  • pH sensitive membrane
  • Stable reference electrode

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SKU b55bcccc80d1 Kategori :


The HI4000-51 replacement pH reference assembly is for use with Hanna’s HI4101 ammonia gas sensing ion selective electrode (ISE). This internal glass pH assembly provides the sensing and reference components for the ammonia combination ISE.


Theory of Operation

A gas sensor works due to the partial pressure of the measured gas in solution. The dissolved gas in the sample diffuses into the membrane and changes the pH in a thin film of unbuffered electrolyte on the surface of the internal pH sensor. Diffusion continues until the partial pressure of the sample and the thin film of electrolyte are the same. The pH change is proportional to the concentration of dissolved gas in the sample solution.



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