Round Cover Slips

SKU : 0913c38ec48c

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Cover slips are manufactured from the highest quality borosilicate hydrolytic class 1 German glass. They have excellent resistance to chemicals and are ideal for neural tissue culture and hard-to-attach cells. These cover slips are exceptional for florescence and confocal microscopy. Sold in packages of 1oz.Please Note:12mm Diameter will fit in a 24 well plate; CLS-3500-02415mm Diameter will fit in a 12 well plate; CLS-3500-01225mm Diameter will fit in a 6 well plate; CLS-3500-00



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1139V83CLS-1760-012Cover Slip, Round, 12mm Dia, German Glass, #1 Thickness, 1oz Pkg
1139V84CLS-1760-015Cover Slip, Round, 15mm Dia, German Glass, #1 Thickness, 1oz Pkg
1139V85CLS-1760-025Cover Slip, Round, 25mm Dia, German Glass, #1 Thickness, 1oz Pkg

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