SampliQ Polymer SAX SPE Cartridges

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU f76fd7dd31cf Kategori :
  • Ensures fast, reliable extraction of anionic compounds
  • Inert to a wide variety of solvents
  • Stable for pH ranges 0 – 14
  • Water-wettable

The Agilent SampliQ Strong Anion Exchange (SAX) polymeric resin is a mixed-mode, tertiary amine-modified divinyl benzene polymer that displays both anion exchange and reversed phase behavior. As a result, the SampliQ SAX resin exhibits excellent retention for both acidic and neutral compounds over a wide range of hydrophilicity (log P).

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1224N835982-3313SAX Polymer – Bx, 100x 1mL tubes, 30 mg
1224N845982-3336SAX Polymer – Box, 50x 3ml tubes, 60 mg
1224K615982-6313SAX Polymer 60 µm 100x 1mL tubes, 30mg
1224N865982-6336SAX 60um Polymer – 50x 3ml tubes, 60mg

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