SampliQ Silica C18 Endcapped SPE Cartridges

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 511585144316 Kategori :

Reversed Phase (Non-Polar)

  • 25% carbon loading
  • Silica-based particles reduce pressure drop and increase flow reproducibility
  • Average particle size of 45 µm and pore diameter of 60 Angstrom to reduce pressure drop and increase flow reproducibility
  • Agilent’s trifunctional bonding process provides more stability over monomeric bonding
  • Manufactured to Agilent’s rigorous quality standards in the USA, using the same processes and facilities that make our HPLC columns so reliable

SampliQ C18EC products are based on bonded, endcapped, reversed-phase octadecylsilane (ODS) silica gel particles. The non-polar sorbent is endcapped (EC), reducing polar secondary interactions associated with surface silanol groups. Non-polar analytes should be more strongly retained compared with non-endcapped SampliQ C18 products.

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1224K795982-1311C18 Endcapped Box 100x 1mL Tubes, 100mg
1224K805982-1332C18 Endcapped Box, 50x 3ml tubes, 200mg
1224K815982-1335C18 Endcapped Box, 50x 3ml tubes, 500mg
1224K835982-1360C18 Endcapped Box 30x 6ml tubes, 1000mg
1224K825982-1365C18 Endcapped Box, 30x 6ml tubes, 500mg

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