Self Tightening Column Nut Kit

SKU : c1d6afbac0fa

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SKU c1d6afbac0fa Kategori :

One of the most basic tasks in GC, installing the column, can be challenging. The GC oven is a dark, small space, and column installation uses some tiny parts that need to be assembled with precision. Installation of the column into both the inlet and detector must be done properly to get accurate and reproducible results. Agilent offers a selection of capillary column nuts for various third party GC fittings to facilitate good column installation. Our latest innovation, the Self Tightening column nut, prevents leaking and the need to retighten when using graphite/polyimide-blend ferrules recommended for use with oxygen-sensitive detectors such as ECD or mass spectrometers.

Application: For 250 µm Columns

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00F3058001-0020Column nut kit,2MS Self Tightening SHM

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