Sep-Pak® Accell Plus CM Plus Light Cartridges

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SKU 4341c12b273e Kategori :

Sep-Pak Accell Plus CM Plus Light cartridges contain a silica-based, hydrophilic weak cation-exchanger with large pore size (300Å). The cartridges are designed for extraction of cationic analytes in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The large pore size makes it ideal for isolation of molecules such as cationic proteins. Other applications include extraction of steriods, pesticides, and herbicides. These cartridges have a distinctive finned outer body and a reduced internal diameter, which results in an interstitial volume about one-third that of the corresponding Plus-style cartridge. This design allows you to elute fractions in a minimal volume to improve recoveries and reduce solvent consumption, a benefit especially for applications where samples are limited or where excessive dilution is a concern.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1160Y31WAT-WAT023531Sep-Pak Accell Plus CM Plus Light Cartridge, 130 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 37-55 µm Particle Size

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