SevenExcellence™ Dissolved Oxygen/BOD Meters

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The S600 SevenExcellence™ DO meter allows users to determine dissolved oxygen content in samples polarographically using any of METTLER TOLEDO’s state-of-the art InLab® 605 polarographic dissolved oxygen sensors.

The S900 SevenExcellence DO meter allows users to determine dissolved oxygen content in samples using METTLER TOLEDO’s new InLab® OptiOx digital dissolved oxygen sensors. Combined with the InLab® OptiOx, the S900 instrument is also able to allow the determination of biochemcial oxygen demand.

This single channel instrument is modularly expandable with additional measurement parameters at any time!

  • Professional calibration support, incl. automatic calibration with Rondolino sample changer
  • Large 7 inch color display and intuitive menu guidance in 10 languages
  • Flexible method concept for high reproducibility and security
  • Extra security thanks to sophisticated user management and Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®)
  • Integrated interfaces (USB, RS232 and Ethernet) for data exchange
  • Comprehensive service package including IQ/OQ/PQ

S900-Basic Includes: instrument, DO/BOD expansion unit, 2 blank expansion units, uPlace™ electrode holder, semi-transparent cover, operating instructions, installation and quick guide, LabX® direct pH PC software, declaration of conformity and test certificate

S600-Kit: As S900-Kit, but with InLab® 605-ISM instead of InLab® OptiOx.

S900-Kit: As S900-Basic, but with InLab® OptiOx, guide to DO measurement and zero oxygen tablets

S900-BOD: As S900-Kit, also including BOD adapter.

Mettler products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Mettler distributor to place orders for Mettler products.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1185A1030092985SevenExcellence Dissolved Oxygen Meter, S600-Kit
1185A1130092984SevenExcellence Dissolved Oxygen/BOD Meter, S900-Basic
1185A1230092986SevenExcellence Dissolved Oxygen/BOD Meter, S900-Kit
1185A1330092987SevenExcellence Dissolved Oxygen/BOD Meter, S900-BOD
1185A1430034474SevenExcellece DO Expansion Module

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