Spiral Reflux Condenser

SKU : 3371e0dd37c4

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SKU 3371e0dd37c4 Kategori :

Spiral reflux condenser with inlet and outlet hose barbs located on the same side at the top of the condenser body for easy hose connections. These condensers are available in multiple lengths which allow for greater surface area dependant on the appli

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1168J736041-102Condenser, spiral, reflux, 100mm, 14/38
1168J746041-104Condenser, spiral, reflux, 200mm, 24/29
1168J756041-106Condenser, spiral, reflux, 250mm, 24/29
1168J766041-108Condenser, spiral, reflux, 300mm, 24/29
1168J776041-110Condenser, spiral, reflux, 400mm, 24/29
1168J786041-112Condenser, spiral, reflux, 300mm, 29/32

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