TAS-System Thermal Cycler Temperature Validation System

SKU : ac653fe7d3f2

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SKU ac653fe7d3f2 Kategori :

TAS-System is a powerful thermal cycler temperature validation system that includes a control module with integrated real-time display, probe plates accommodating fixed or variable probes, and powerful PC software. It reliably analyzes data and automatically generates reports. To maximize flexibility and portability, the offering comes with eight variable probes, assists you to service customers better. Includes TAS controller, TAS probe (8 ea), TAS reference probe (1 ea), TAS variable probe plate (1ea), TAS Weight (1 ea), TAS Bellows (1 ea), Ribbon cable (1 ea) and TAS PC Software.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00D596T01-000172-00TAS-System Thermal Cycler Temperature Validation System

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