TELOS® Filtration Columns

SKU : e0096ff3f81f

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU e0096ff3f81f Kategori :
  • Select columns with polyethylene (PE) or PTFE frits
  • PE frit models available with single- or double-frit configuration

Total volumes for the columns range from 1 to 150 mL. Columns come with either polyethylene or PTFE frits in 5, 10, or 20 µm pore sizes. PE frits area available in single- or double-fritted configurations. Double frit columns have two frits one directly on top of the other to provide better filtration and cleaner sample. Use caps for room-temperature reactions and to easily transport columns.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1143X7706479-97TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 10 µm Polyethylene Frit, 15 mL
1143X2206479-25TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 10 µm Polyethylene Frit, 70 mL
1143X3506479-47TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 5 µm PTFE Frit, 6 mL
1143X3606479-49TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 5 µm PTFE Frit, 15 mL
1143X8506480-07TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 10 µm PTFE Frit, 6 mL
1143X2806479-33TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 10 µm PTFE Frit, 15 mL
1143X4806479-67TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Single 10 µm PTFE Frit, 25 mL
1143X7006479-90TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 10 µm Polyethylene Frits, 15 mL
1143X4406479-63TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 10 µm Polyethylene Frits, 70 mL
1143X7906479-99TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 1 mL
1143X6906479-89TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 3 mL
1143X3206479-41TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 6 mL
1143X8006480-01TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 10 mL
1143X2106479-23TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 15 mL
1143X3306479-43TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 25 mL
1143X3406479-45TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 70 mL
1143X4306479-61TELOS Chromatography Filtration Column, Double 20 µm Polyethylene Frits, 150 mL

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