TELOS® SPE-Format C18 Flash Chromatography Columns

SKU : 249bb385663b

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 249bb385663b Kategori :
  • Bonded octadecyl stationary phase offers reverse phase flash capabilities
  • Has a pore size of 60Å and a carbon loading of ≈18%

Easily connect to flash chromatography system using the Luer-slip connection. Use columns on a rack or stand using gravity flow or with vacuum processing stations. All columns are made from polypropylene and come with polyethylene frits.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1143U1906475-07TELOS SPE Format Flash Chromatography Column, slip tip, C18, 5 g/25 mL
1143U6306475-08TELOS SPE Format Flash Chromatography Column, slip tip, C18, 10 g/70 mL
1143U4006475-11TELOS SPE Format Flash Chromatography Column, slip tip, C18, 20 g/70 mL
1143U4106475-22TELOS SPE Format Flash Chromatography Column, slip tip, C18, 50 g/150 mL

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