Tensiometer – Du Nouy

SKU : 1414558d5053

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 1414558d5053 Kategori :
  • Provides precise readings of upward interfacial and surface tensions by the ring method to values reproducible within 0.05 dyne/cm
  • Range 0 to 90 dynes per centimeter
  • Specified for determining interfacial tension of oil against water by the ring method in ASTM Method D 971 and solutions of surface-active agents in ASTM Method D 1331
  • Also specified for testing synthetic rubber lattices in ASTM Method D 1417 and determining the surface tension of industrial water and industrial waste water in ASTM Method D 1590
  • Graduated dial reads in both directions from zero; double vernier

Platinum-iridium ring has a mean circumference of 6 cm. Ring has stirrup with parallel sides 25 mm high. Exact circumference and rates of the ring and wire radii are provided. Hardwood cylinder protects ring when not in use. Enameled metal housing is mounted on tripod base with leveling screws; overall 370 mm x 255 mm x 255 mm high. Unit comes completely assembled with torsion wire, 6 cm platinum-iridium ring, metal case and instructions. Shipping weight: 27 lbs.

NOTE: prices may vary due to frequent changes in the cost of platinum.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
9149G0470537000TENSIOMETER RING, 6 cm
9149G0670531011TORSION WIRE, For 4 cm Ring, Pk. 3

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