Thermanox Sterile Cover Slips

SKU : 01a129e6ac43

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 01a129e6ac43 Kategori :

Useful for most tissue culture applications

  • Unbreakable
  • Solvent-resistant
  • Radiation sterilized

Thermanox plastic is treated for optimum cell attachment and growth. Provides a very low gas permeability, but will exhibit low autofluorescence at the 300-500 nm wavelength and shows a background under some viewing conditions. Can be cut easily with scissors.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
9380A10174942COVER SLIP, 22 x 60 mm
9380A30150067COVER SLIP, 24 x 30 mm
9380B10174950COVER SLIP, 13 mm Round
9380B12174969COVER SLIP, 15 mm Round
9380B27174977COVER SLIP, 22 mm, Round

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