Thomas Traceable® Dew Point/Wet Bulb/Humidity/Thermometer

SKU : 73bb4510cfb8

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 73bb4510cfb8 Kategori :
  • Relative humidity range is 1 to 99%
  • Resolution is 0.1% RH
  • Accuracy is ±4% RH between 35 to 75%RH, ±5%RH otherwise
  • Humidity features include dew point/wet bulb functions, minimum/maximum memory and high/low alarms
  • Temperature range is -40 to 158°F and -40 to 70°C
  • Temperature accuracy: ±1.8°F (±1.0°C)
  • Resolution is 0.1°
  • Battery type: Two AA batteries
  • Display type: 1″ LCD display
  • Wall mounting

Unit measures 4 1/8” x 4 1/8” x 1” and weighs 4 ounces. Devices are provided with an individually serial numbered Traceable® certificate from an ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. Certificate indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST.

Please note: The aforementioned A2LA accreditation belongs to the manufacturer, not Thomas Scientific.


Min RH Range (%)1
Max RH Range (%)99
RH Accuracy±4% RH between 35 to 75%RH, ±5%RH otherwise
RH Resolution (%)0.10%
Min Temperature (° F)-40
Min Temperature (° C)-40
Max Temperature (° F)158
Max Temperature (° C)70
Temperature Accuracy±1.8°F (±1.0°C)
Temperature Resolution0.1°
Wet BulbYes
Display Type1″ LCD
Mounting TypeWall
BatteryAA Battery (2)
Height (in)4
Width (in)4
Depth (in)1
DescriptionTraceable® Digital Thermohygrometer with Dew Point, Wet-Bulb, and Calibration


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1235C97Traceable® Dew-Point / Wet-Bulb / Rh / Temp Alarm

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