Thomas Traceable® Pocket Hygrometer/Dew Point/Thermometer

SKU : 0adace76ba1f

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 0adace76ba1f Kategori :
  • Relative humidity range is 20 to 100%
  • Resolution is 0.1% RH
  • Accuracy is ±3% RH mid-range to ±5.5% elsewhere
  • Temperature/dew point range is 4 to 122°F and -20 to 50°C
  • Resolution is 0.1°
  • Accuracy is ±1°C

Dual display shows relative humidity with either dew point or temperature. Features inluded minimum/maximum memory and hold. Compact design (6 1/2” x 2” x 2/3”) means it fits in your pocket. Weight is only 3 ounces. Units are provided with an individually serial numbered Traceable® certificate from an ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. Certificate indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST.

Please note: The aforementioned A2LA accreditation belongs to the manufacturer, not Thomas Scientific.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1235D34Traceable® Rh Meter With Dew Point

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