Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Columns

SKU : 77113e56a957

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 77113e56a957 Kategori :
  • Easy scale-up from Restek analytical columns
  • Popular bonded phases

Restek makes it easy to scale up your separations. We offer a wide range of semipreparative and preparative-scale columns packed with many of our popular Ultra, Allure, Pinnacle DB, and Viva bonded phases on a 5 μm spherical silica.

The Restek Aqueous C18 is a rugged, reversed-phase column with a well-balanced retention profile. It can effectively retain more types of solutes than a conventional C18 and is ideal for multicomponent LC-MS analyses. The general-purpose Aqueous C18 boasts high reproducibility and compatibility with many mobile phase conditions—even 100% aqueous. And when used with a gradient, it eliminates the all-too-common issue of multiple compounds eluting near the column void time.

Particle Size: 5 µm, spherical
Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Load: 15%
pH Range: 2.5 to 8
Temperature Limit: 80°C
USP Phase Code: L1
Phase Category: modified C18
Ligand Type: proprietary polar modified and functionally bonded C18

Please note: We strongly recommend ordering a semi-prep or prep column only after evaluating the desired separation on an equivalent analytical-scale column. Because we cannot reuse a column or the silica it contains once it has left our facility, we cannot accept returns of large-scale columns.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1173N969178557Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 50 x 10mm
1173N979178558Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 50 x 21.2mm
1173N989178559Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 50 x 30mm
1173N999178517Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 100 x 10mm
1173P009178518Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 100 x 21.2mm
1173P019178519Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 100 x 30mm
1173P029178567Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 150 x 10mm
1173P039178568Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 150 x 21.2mm
1173P049178569Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 150 x 30mm
1173P059178577Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 250 x 10mm
1173P069178578Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 250 x 21.2mm
1173P079178579Ultra Aqueous C18 HPLC Prep Column, 5um, 250 x 30mm

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