Ultraviolet UV Light Meter – UV-A/B

SKU : bd3b1c2f4592

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU bd3b1c2f4592 Kategori :
  • Measure damaging UV (ultraviolet) light in the environment and museums
  • UV degradation studies in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, semiconductor, printing, window tinting, and other industries
  • Laboratory chromatography, electrophoresis and forensics
  • Test UV sterilization and dermatology lamps in hospitals

UV light intensity appears on the large backlit display in either µW or mW/cm² while the small lower display simultaneously shows minimum, maximum, average and recorded data. Up to 20 data points can be recorded automatically at a variety of intervals. Features zero point reset, hold, and indicates when the battery is low. Comes in a protective hard foam lined carrying case complete with a UV probe, tripod screw, magnetic mount and a 9V battery. Model 850010 measures short wave UV-C light for applications such as UV light fume hoods, UV sterilization, industrial glass and non-destructive testing. Model 850009 measures long and medium wave UV-A/B for applications such as forensics, chromatography, electrophoresis and dermatology. Weight: 4.4 oz (135 g). Dim: 6″ x 2″ x 1½” (145 x 55 x 40 mm).


 WavelengthCalibration pointUV RangeResolutionAccuracy
1219B70280 ~ 400 nm365 nm1 µW/cm² ~ 40.00 mW/cm²1 µW and 0.01 mW/cm²±4% ±1 digit (@23 ±5ºC)
1219B71220 ~ 275 nm254 nm


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1219B70850009UVA/B Light Meter
1219B71850010UVC Light Meter

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