YMC HPLC C4 (Butyl) Reversed-Phase Column

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SKU 3b06ce95723e Kategori :

YMC-Pack C4 (Butyl) columns are less hydrophobic than C8 or C18 packings, and generally utilize more aqueous eluents than either of these reversed phase column types. When compared to C8 and C18 columns using the same eluent, C4 columns show significantly shorter retention for non-polar compounds. Retention of polar compounds, however, is not significantly affected. Therefore, mixtures with a wide range of component polarity are best analyzed by YMC Butyl. This is because the butyl bonded phase gives shorter analysis times while still maintaining high resolution when compared to longer chain bonded chemistries.

Application: For 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones of Aldehydes and Ketones

  • Ideally suited for biological separations
  • High coverage monomeric bonding on perfectly spherical silica supports
  • Fully endcapped
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1206T35BU20S03-0502WTButyl, 200A, 3um, 50x2mm Column
1206T36BU20S03-1546WTButyl, 200A, 3um, 1500×4.6mm Column
1206T37BU20S05-0104WFGButyl, 200A, 5um, 10x4mm Ferruled Guard Column
1206T38BU20S05-0105WFGButyl, 200A, 5um, 10x5mm Ferruled Guard Column
1206T39BU20S05-0520WTGButyl, 200A, 5um, 50x20mm Guard Column
1206T40BU20S05-0530WTGButyl, 200A, 5um, 50x30mm Guard Column
1206T41BU20S05-0552DRGButyl, 200A, 5um, 50x50mm Flanged Guard Column
1206T42BU20S05-1520WTButyl, 200A, 5um, 150x20mm Column
1206T43BU20S05-1546WTButyl, 200A, 5um, 150×4.6mm Column
1206T44BU20S05-2520WTButyl, 200A, 5um, 250x20mm Column
1206T45BU20S05-2530WTButyl, 200A, 5um, 250x30mm Column
1206T46BU20S05-2546WTButyl, 200A, 5um, 250×4.6mm Column
1206T47BU20S05-2552DRButyl, 200A, 5um, 250x50mm Flanged Column
1181Z29BU20S05-0204GCButyl, 5um, 200A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)

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