YMC HPLC TMS Reversed-Phase Column

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SKU 7e9582e17129 Kategori :

YMC-Pack TMS columns are bonded with trimethylmonochlorosilane to create a phase with intermediate polarity for analysis of extremely hydrophobic compounds using conventional reversed-phase solvents and highly polar compounds using highly aqueous solvents. The unique chemistry of TMS is also well-suited for the analysis of multifunctional compounds. Selectivity characteristics of a C1 bonded phase can be unique and samples must be tested to determine the applicability of the phase.

Application: For Water-Soluble Vitamins

  • Reversed-phase column with the lowest hydrophobicity
  • Shortest of all alkyl bonded phases
  • Intermediate polarity between normal phase silica and other alkyl bonded reversed phases
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1205J54TM12S03-1046WTTMS, 120A, 3um, 100×4.6mm Column
1205J55TM12S03-1546WTTMS, 120A, 3um, 150×4.6mm Column
1205J56TM12S03-2546WTTMS, 120A, 3um, 250×4.6mm Column
1180A10TM12S03-0204GCTMS, 3um, 120A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)

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