ZORBAX Extend 80A C18, 21.2 x 50 mm cartridge, 5 um

SKU : dd1c78334d59

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU dd1c78334d59 Kategori :

ZORBAX Extend 80A C18, 21.2 x 50 mm cartridge, 5 µm (use with hardware kit 820400-901). ZORBAX Extend-C18 columns have high efficiency and a long life at high pH with more effieincy and better peak shape than polymer-based columns.

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
2714W32770050-902ZORBAX Extend 80A C18, 21.2 x 50 mm cartridge, 5 um