ZORBAX PrepHT Rx-SIL Columns

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 88f0049a382a Kategori :
  • Easy scale-up from analytical to preparative scale with ZORBAX phases
  • Fast preparative separations, up to 2000 mg
  • 5 to 7 µm particles for high efficiency and high yield
  • Easy to install finger tight connections seal up to 5000 psi/350 bar

High purity, high recovery and high throughput can be easily achieved with Agilent ZORBAX PrepHT columns. These are available in a variety of bonded phases – Eclipse XDB, StableBond, Bonus-RP, and Extend-C18 – for optimized resolution and loadability under any conditions.

ZORBAX PrepHT columns are packed with 5 and 7 µm particle sizes for very high resolution. The high resolution allows high loadability, high yield, and high purity of compounds. The larger diameter columns and mechanically stronger ZORBAX particles allow for flow rates up to 100 ml/min, thus increasing throughput.

ZORBAX PrepHT columns are designed for rapid scale-up from analytical to preparative scale without losing resolution. For complex separations on larger columns (21.2 mm ID, 150 mm length and longer), Agilent has carefully chosen the 7 µm particle size to achieve a balance between high efficiency and high loadability.

Thomas No.DescriptionSize (mm)Particle Size (µm)
2715D90PrepHT Cartridge*21.2 x 2507
2714Z89PrepHT Guard Cartridge, 2/pk**17 x 7.55
2715D81PrepHT Cartridge*21.2 x 2507
2714Z86PrepHT Guard Cartridge, 2/pk**17 x 7.55
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
2715D81877967-102PrepHT, ZORBAX, Rx-C18, 21.2X250mm, 7um, Cartridge Column

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