SKU : a02d3bb5522e

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Agilent ZORBAX PSM Size Exclusion Columns can be used for molecular size separations on most synthetic and natural polymers. The ZORBAX PSM columns are packed with small (5 µm) porous silica microspheres (PSM) and are available in two versions. The deactivated version has been silanized for use with non-polar to relatively polar polymers in nonaqueous or partially aqueous solvents and is denoted by an S following the column name. The untreated version is for use with both nonaqueous and aqueous mobile phases. These rigid, siliceous PSM packings have high mechanical strength and are not swelled or dissolved by any common organic or aqueous (pH 2-7) mobile phases. For samples of wide molecular weight distribution, it is useful to couple columns of one or more pore sizes in series, employing Bimodal Kits. Alternatively, Bimodal columns contain an optimized mixed bed in one column.

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
2715E13880957-801PSM 60 GPC / SEC HPLC Column 6.2 X 250
2715E14880957-802PSM 60S GPC / SEC HPLC Column 6.2 X 250
2715E15880957-805PSM 300 GPC / SEC HPLC Column 6.2 X 250

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