SKU : 36b6a70db52f

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SKU 36b6a70db52f Kategori :

eXtra Dense Bonding (XDB) is key to the exceptional performance of ZORBAX Eclipse XDB columns at intermediate pH. This dense bonding is accomplished by adding an extra-dense monolayer of C18, C8, phenyl, or CN-silane to the ultra-pure, fully-hydroxylated, ZORBAX Rx-silica surface. The packing is then endcapped not once, but twice, using two different and unique endcapping reagents. This combination of extra-dense surface coverage by the bonded phase and double endcapping produces a highly, deactivated stationary phase that virtually eliminates undesirable interactions between polar solutes and the silica surface. As a result, superior peak shape, high efficiency, and long-term chromatographic reproducibility are assured when using Eclipse XDB HPLC columns at both intermediate and low pH.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00G564928975-302Eclipse XDB-C18,3.0x100mm,1.8um,600bar

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