Zorbax Zorbax Method Validation Kit

SKU : 020352285a10

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SKU 020352285a10 Kategori :

The ZORBAX column family is one of the most popular high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column families for reversed-phase HPLC. ZORBAX columns are based on traditional fully porous particles and offer the highest loading capacity and resolution. From Eclipse Plus, Eclipse XDB, StableBond, Bonus-RP and more, the ZORBAX column portfolio offers a wide selection of stationary phases allowing you to fine-tune your selectivity to match your application. Improve resolution by utilizing sub-2 µm particles to maximize system efficiency and confidently scale-up to preparative HPLC and/or easy HPLC method transfer.

  • ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Throughput (RRHT) columns use totally porous 1.8 µm particles to provide maximum resolution in ultra-fast and high-resolution analyses with a pressure limit of 600 bar

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00G514880975-906KSB-C8, 4.6 x 250mm, 5um, MVK

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