Accucore* C18 Defender* Guard Cartridges

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SKU dbd6194440c8 Kategori :

Accucore C18 Defender Guard Cartridges offer easy, economical protection of the main column with minimized impact on retention or efficiency. Based on Core Enhanced Technology, Thermo Scientific Accucore columns provide fast, high-resolution separations – without the elevated backpressures required by sub-2µm particles.

  • New design protects the main column with minimized impact on retention or efficiency
  • Economical and easy to use
  • Compatible with Thermo Scientific Uniguard* direct-connection and stand alone holders, sold separately
  • Fast separations with excellent resolution and sensitivity
  • Lower backpressures so that UHPLC is not required
  • Optimum retention of non-polar compounds
  • Hydrophobic interaction mechanism
  • Separate a broad range of analytes
Particle ShapeSpherical Solid-core
Particle Size2.6µm
Pore Size80 Angstrom
Surface Area130m2/g
Carbon Load9%
USP TypeL1
pH Range2 to 9
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1217F6117126-012105Accucore C18 10×2.1mm Defender guards pk4
1217F6217126-013005Accucore C18 10×3.0mm Defender guards pk4
1217F6317126-014005Accucore C18 10×4.6mm Defender guards pk4

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