BIOshell(TM) lgG, C4 2.7 mum HPLC Column

SKU : 3ddd7da5d377

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SKU 3ddd7da5d377 Kategori :

BIOshell(TM) IgG 1000Å C4 is a high-speed, high-performance liquid chromatography column based on a new wide-pore (1000Å) Fused-Core® particle design. The Fused-Core particle provides a thin porous shell of high-purity silica surrounding a solid silica core. This particle design exhibits very high column efficiency due to the shallow diffusion paths in the 0.5-micron thin porous shell and the small overall particle size of 2.7-microns. The densely bonded, extensively endcapped dimethylbutyl stationary phase of BIOshell IgG 1000Å C4 provides a stable, reversed-phase packing that can be used for separating high molecular weight compounds such as proteins.

Application: UHPLC Analysis of Trastuzumab on BIOshell(TM) IgG 1000 Å C4, 2.7 mumUHPLC Analysis of IgG2 on BIOshell(TM) IgG 1000 Å C4, C18, and Diphenyl, 2.7 mum

Legal Information: Fused-Core is a registered trademark of Advanced Materials Technology, Inc.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00M00863282-U63282-U BIOshell(TM) lgG, C4 2.7 mum HPLC Column 2.7 mum particle size, L x I.D. 3 cm x 2.1 mm

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