GC GS-Q-30m-Megabore, .53m, 5″ Cage

SKU : 369cf6e5eef8

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 369cf6e5eef8 Kategori :

GC capillary columns are typically wound on 7 inch cages that fit into standard-sized GCs like the 6890. The 6850 GC has a smaller oven which requires the use of columns wound on a smaller cage diameter.

  • Porous divinylbenzene homopolymer
  • A PLOT column with polarity between Porapak-Q and Porapak-N
  • Separates ethane, ethylene and ethyne (acetylene)
  • Not recommended for quantification of polar compounds
  • Minimal conditioning time required — 1 hour

Similar Phases: CP PoraPLOT Q, CP PoraPLOT Q-HT, Rt-QPLOT, SupelQ PLOT, HP-Q PLOT

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas No. ID (mm) Length (m) Film (µm)
2713Q35 0.32 30
Thomas No Mfr No Description
2713Q35 115-3432E GC GS-Q-30m-Megabore, .53m, 5″ Cage

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