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SKU 636ad8cb7774 Kategori :


Silica-based phases for HPLC enantiomer separation


  • Chiral selector L-hydroxyproline – Cu2+ complexes for enantiomer separation based on ligand exchange · USP L32
  • Base material NUCLEOSIL® silica
  • Particle size 5 μm
  • Pore size 120 Å

Principal interaction mode:

  • Formation of ternary mixed-ligand complexes with Cu(II) ions
  • Differences in the stability of the diastereomeric complexes cause chromatographic separation.

Eluent in column 0.5 mM copper sulfate solution

Recommended application: enantiomers with two polar functional groups with the correct spacing such as α-amino acids, α-hydroxycarboxylic acids (e.g., lactic acid), N-alkyl-α-amino acids etc.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1152Y58720081.40HPLC column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL CHIRAL-1, length: 250 mm, ID: 4mm, USP: L32, 1 Column
1152Z90721188.30HPLC guard column (analytical), NUCLEOSIL CHIRAL-1, length: 4 mm, ID: 3mm, USP: L32, 1 guard column

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