Purospher® STAR RP-8 Endcapped HPLC Columns

SKU : d5ae9e883c60

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SKU d5ae9e883c60 Kategori :

Purospher® STAR RP-8 endcapped allows best results and highest flexibility due to its widest pH range up to pH 10.5, best performance and separation highest efficiency. Purospher® STAR RP-8 endcapped is suited very well for the separation of strong hydrophobic compounds and peptides.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1199H941.51453.0001Purospher STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5µm) Hibar 150-4.6
1199H951.51454.0001Purospher STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5µm) Hibar 250-4.6
1185K511.50033.0001Purospher STAR RP-8 Endcapped (5µm) Hibar RT 125-4

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