Reversed-Phase Phenyl 1 Columns

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SKU fb98a82423a8 Kategori :

SMT-Phenyl column provides unique selectivity for aromatic compounds when compared to other reversed-phase packings such as C18 and C8. The pie electrons of the phenyl group can interact with the aromatic ring of an analyte to increase retention relative to less or non-aromatic analytes.

Unique features:

  • Offers preferential retention of aromatic compounds
  • Complimentary to other reversed-phase materials such as C18, C8, and C4

Two types of SMT-Phenyl are available:

  • Phen1: Contains one phenyl per ligand
  • Phen2: Contains two phenyls per ligand

SMT-Phenyl columns are also ideal for the separation of proteins, peptides and other biomolecules.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1182C37Phen1-5-100/5Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 100 Angstrom, Length: 50mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C38Phen1-5-100/10Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 100 Angstrom, Length: 100mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C39Phen1-5-100/15Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 100 Angstrom, Length: 150mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C40Phen1-5-100/25Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 100 Angstrom, Length: 250mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C41Phen1-5-300/5Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 300 Angstrom, Length: 50mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C42Phen1-5-300/10Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 300 Angstrom, Length: 100mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C43Phen1-5-300/15Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 300 Angstrom, Length: 150mm, I. D.: 4.6mm
1182C44Phen1-5-300/25Reversed-Phase Phenyl Column: Particle Size: 5 µm, Pore Size: 300 Angstrom, Length: 250mm, I. D.: 4.6mm

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