SUPELCOSIL™ LC-DP HPLC Column 5 µm particle size, L × I.D. 25 cm × 4.6 mm

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General Description
Contains a diphenyl bonded phase, which gives greater selectivity for aromatic groups compared to alkyl-type bonded phases.

Legal Information
SUPELCOSIL is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

Feature: endcapped

Extent of Labeling: 6% Carbon loading

Limit: ≤70 °C temp. range

L × I.D.: 25 cm × 4.6 mm

Surface Coverage: surface coverage 2.4 μmol/m2

Matrix: silica gel, spherical particle platform

Matrix Active Group: phenyl, di- phase

Particle Size: 5 μm

Pore Size: 120 Å pore size

Surface Area: 170 m2/g

pH Range: 2 – 7.5

Suitability: suitable for L11 per USP

Mode of Chromatography: Reversed phase

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1186R1758842SUPELCOSIL™ LC-DP HPLC Column

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